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- Enlisted in Aug 13,1862 104th
Unassigned detaqchment Veteran Reserve Corps, Private. Residence, Washington, DC, dcredit to Boston, MA, Age 21, Teacher. Enlisted for 3 ye4ars.
49th Company, 2nd Battalion, Veteran Res. Corps.
Hospital Stewarrd, Regulary Army.
Discharged for disability March 11, 1885 as Pvt.
He was prese4nt at Ford’s Theater, Spr. 14, 1865 and witnessed President Lincoln’s assassination. He later gave te4stimony to Washington, DC police.....Lyman Bunnell who had been sitting in the dress circle, told officers about three suspicious men who had taken seats near the President’s box. Theyhad all disppeared when the shot rang out...
Baptized April 8, 1858.